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Vulnerabilities Found

A Note About


Vulnerability In MS Office Could Give Access To Your Computer

This Article Is Sponored By You! | Saturday, February 3, 2007 by Salman Siddiqui | Comments
I am now blogging on my self hosted blog CompuWorld and started another blog of mine the Senorita

Microsoft and vulnerabilities have a relationship similar to a company boss and the subordinates. They hate each other but they cannot leave each other too. The fifth zero-day unpatched vulnerability has been confirmed by Microsoft.

Related Softwares:
Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, and Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac are the softwares found vulnerable.

What can cause the vulnerability:
When a user opens a specially crafted Office file using a malformed string, it may corrupt system memory in such a way that an attacker could execute arbitrary code.

How can an attacker exploit the vulnerability:
An attacker can somehow request you to click on some link which will take them to attackers site to download some office document. Otherwise the office document could be sent via email. Downloading the office document to your machine would help attacker corrupt the system memory in such a way that it can gain access to your computer.

Workaround available:
Do not open or save Office files that you receive from un-trusted sources or that you receive unexpectedly from trusted sources. This vulnerability could be exploited when a user opens a specially crafted Office file.

Microsoft is developing a security update for Office that addresses this vulnerability. It should be available soon.
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Technorati Tags: zero day, Microsoft Office vulnerability

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I am now blogging on my self hosted blog CompuWorld and started another blog of mine the Senorita

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